Green Regeneration
Sustainable organic waste management at the source
Green RE-Generation is a generation that looks to the future. A generation that loves all innovation and technology which simplifies our daily lives, but at the same time who want the guarantee that today’s resources will be available tomorrow. It’s a generation that doesn’t wait, but interprets the main role of the new green economy, and who creates and invents new and more modern sustainable solutions for the preservation of nature and the ecosystem.
Can our waste be drastically reduced, recycled and made into a resource?
ECODYGER: Sustainable management of organic waste at the source
Ecodyger is the most modern, innovative solution for reducing organic waste up to 90% in weight and volume. It manages any wet-organic waste, including plates, and biodegradable/compostable cups and cutlery. It’s simple to use and doesn’t require any chemical additives or water.
Ecodyger restores at the end of every cycle a solid residue equal to 10-30% of the original waste. It is a true natural resource: an organic-mineral fertilizer that can be used in agriculture, in the vegetable and gardening sector, it’s a valid soil modifier, improving and correcting the water and breathable qualities of clay and sandy soils.
At the end of the cycle the two residues obtained are: a liquid or a solid. These are tested in an internationally accredited laboratory. Based on the results, the residues are identified by their properties as resources:
YES with Ecodyger!
At the end of the process, which lasts roughly 7 hours, the machine gives back a dry solid residue, collected in a special frontal drawer, ready after only three weeks of “rest and maturation“ for possible uses in horticultural/gardening activities.
Solid residue can be used like:
Organic mineral fertilizer
Effective enhancer
Quality compost