We believe in a GREEN world and a better future for our children
We believe in technology, and with that technology we have created an instrument that respects and preserves nature and its ecosystem.
We are part of the Green Generation, a generation that is aware and informed, active and present, that looks to the future with the objective of guaranteeing to those who come after us the same resources and a sustainable ecosystem.
The problem of organic waste management is an evil of our times, for issues of hygiene, odors, and for the costs of management and pollution. It affects all places and services that prepare, produce, offer and distribute food everyday. The Ecodyger team has worked a long time with its R&D department to create an advanced technological solution, capable of reducing up to 90% of organic waste volume in just a few hours directly at the source.
The base concept of the Ecodyger project is to have organic waste be an important resource, to enhance and be exploited directly where it’s generated, minimizing environmental impact and management costs for companies.

The question is: can our waste be regenerated and made into a resource? Our research and development team is focused on that question. This is the point of convergence for Ecodyger’s technological research.
Green Re-generation
EcodygerGreen Re-generation
The Green Generation is a generation that guards the future. A generation that loves all innovation and technology that simplifies our daily lives, but at the same time wants to guarantee that today’s resources will be available tomorrow. It’s a generation that doesn’t wait, but interprets the main role of the new green economy, creating an inventing new and more modern sustainable solutions to preserve nature and its ecosystem.

Circular Economy
EcodygerCircular Economy
We believe in an economy that has the strength to regenerate on its own. An economy with zero waste, where any product is consumed and disposed of without leaving a trace. Ecodyger, allowing a 90% reduction in the weight/volume of organic waste, favors the process of the Circular Economy.

Waste Hierachy
Zero Waste - EcodygerWaste Hierachy – Zero Waste
We look at a future where the linear economy is extinguished. Where the idea that products have a life cycle ending in a landfill or incinerator is abandoned. Our work to be ‘circular’ is constant, developing ideal technology for zero waste policies, in harmony with WASTE HIERARCHY.
The ideal that animates us is that of the Circular Economy: Ecodyger, infact, regenerates resources by promoting recovery and reuse. Beyond the significant savings of waste volume, time, and management costs, residue from Ecodyger’s recovery process can be put back into a natural cycle and be used as enhanced fertilizer, an accelerator in composters, and can better sandy soil, as well as be a catalyst for biomass plants and more.
Overall, Ecodyger is 100% green and loves the world in which we live.
Simplifying and improving the process of organic waste management for many companies, public administrations, and at the same time responding to requirements and regulations concerning recycling and waste hierarchy.